Summer Child Care

Choosing the right child care facility requires careful consideration of a variety of factors. By looking for a facility that prioritizes safety, cleanliness, staff qualifications, curriculum, communication, flexibility, and affordability, you can feel confident that you are making the best choice for your child's care and development.

MAAC Kids After School Child Care

Summer Child Care Program

There's no shortage of child care after school programs in Amarillo. It's safe to say, however, that none are quite like the Martial Arts & Athletic Center kids program. Emphasizing the ancient martial art of Taekwondo. the MAAC has been offering an after school program since 1998, and is the only martial arts school in the country to offer the level of child care that it does.

Officially licensed in 2007, the MAAC program is structured around the mind and body discipline of Taekwondo, as well as placing a great emphasis on the development of moral character. Additionally, the MAAC far exceeds the state's minimum standards for child care after school programs.

How It Started
MAAC founder Grandmaster Lister decided in 1991 to implement a school program for martial arts through Amarillo High School. The program eventually branched out to other schools in the district until it was ended in 1998 due to lack of school funding. But the demand of parents who loved the program prompted Master Lister to branch out on his own and create the most unique of child care after school programs.

The Program
Besides the strict mind-body discipline of the art, Taekwondo Do also stresses moral character. Here are reasons why the MAAC program goes above and beyond other child care after school programs.

Self-discipline is at the heart of everything the MAAC program teaches. Kids who practice martial arts are continually reminded of the importance of self-discipline.

Socialization Skills
In a room filled with peers who share a common interest and goals, kids tend to thrive in a socially. MAAC after school participants bond through common pursuits.

Physical Activity
Want to get your child off the couch and away from electronics? The MAAC program sets itself apart from other child care after school programs by placing them in a physically demanding program that's also enjoyable.

Colored belts are used as a ranking system to signify the wearer's level of skill. Striving toward each new belt teaches your child lessons about setting and pursuing goals.

Achievement leads to confidence and your child will get a boost of self-esteem with every new achievement in the gym.

Your child will not learn the MAAC way of martial arts without showing respect to the instructors, and adults in general. This should be a key element of all child care after school programs, especially in a culture which doesn't always value respect for authority.

Non-Violent Conflict Resolution
Far from being what's represented on television and in movies, martial arts instruction promotes peaceful conflict resolution that emphasizes the importance of avoiding a physical altercation.

Listening Skills
Children in the MAAC program learn quickly to pay attention as they master new skills and move through the belt ranks. They'll receive plenty of verbal instruction, both in group and one-on-one settings.

The MAAC sets itself apart from many child care after school programs with its emphasis on teamwork. Children in the program rarely work on skills without the help of another.

Overall Improvement
The benefits of child care after school programs such as the MAAC go well beyond the gym as they get a boost in confidence, increased fitness and teamwork skills.

Listed above are just some of the reasons why the MAAC of Amarillo is a great place to start when seeking child care after school programs. With its emphasis on the development of moral character, discipline and respect, your child's after school time will be spent in an ideal environment.

Once school is out, do you have trouble keeping your child focused and engaged during the summer months? We know the importance of keeping children busy during the summer. When school is out and their daily structure is gone, they can get bored and out of sorts. child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas may be difficult to find, but there is one fantastic solution. Martial Arts Athletic Center, or MAAC, will not only provide structure, but your children will stay active and healthy during the summer months.

Unique child care
Not just for their child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas, MAAC is licensed by the state of Texas as a certified child care center. They have set the standards for child care summer programs in Amarillo since 2002. Your child will not only be cared for by child care professionals, but they will receive martial arts training based on the principles of Tae Kwon Do. Our philosophy is to keep our kids healthy, and one way to do that is by keeping them active. At MAAC, our child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas, we strive to do just that. But that's not all.

Respect, discipline and self-control
Using the basic concepts that are part of the Taekwondo tradition, your child will learn to respect themselves and others, learn how to be disciplined in their daily activities and practice self-control. In today's world, it is sometimes difficult for children to have respect for authority, and adults in general. They will learn these important traits in the safe, healthy and fun environment of MAAC, one of the most unique and successful child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas.

Non-violent conflict resolution
MAAC encourages and promotes non-violent conflict resolution. Yes, your child will learn self-defense, but they will learn how, when, where and how not to use it. Contrary to TV and movies, martial arts can emphasize how important it is to avoid physical altercations. This is the philosophy of MAAC and what the MAAC child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas will teach your child.

Athletics / Fitness
Field Trips

Boost in confidence - among other great things
Increased fitness is a confidence booster! Your child will gain the self-confidence that will help him/her as they enter a new grade in school at summer's end. Being a participant in one of the MAAC child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas also helps youngsters improve their listening skills. Professionals will work one-on-one with your child to help them become more focused, and increase their ability to follow instructions and directions.

Setting goals and teamwork
Working as part of a team, setting and achieving goals are part of the MAAC summer experience. Being able to successfully work as part of a team is an invaluable life lesson. You will notice a new sense of pride as your youngster tells you about the successes achieved by the hard work and discipline of the team.

Not all work
The child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas at MAAC are definitely not all work and no play! Your kids will enjoy the atmosphere and activity of our summer program. They will love the arts and crafts, field trips and sports that make MAAC one of the most successful child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas.

Contact Amarillo's Martial Arts & Athletic Center for more information on how your child can participate in one of their child care summer programs in Amarillo, Texas.

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